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Rancho Santa Fe Trail Maps to Get Updated

Living in Rancho Santa Fe can mean many different things, depending on what your hobbies and interests are. A typical week in the affluent yet relaxed community can include a broad range of activities, or just a few. One thing is for sure: Rancho Santa Fe has something to offer every type of resident.


Rancho Santa Fe Trail System

One of Rancho Santa Fe’s many appeals is its extensive parks and trails system. The trail provides an exclusive path through the community with beautiful golf course views and forested areas.

Recently, the Rancho Santa Fe Trails and Recreation Committee made the decision to take on the task of updating all trail maps and easement holders to benefit residents and guests alike.

The Chair of the committee is Barbara Kruer, and she’s enlisting the help of friend and Rancho Santa Fe resident Lisa Bartlett. “She knows every trail here, she used to ride all of these trails bareback,” Kruer said, complimenting Bartlett’s skills as an equestrian. Bartlett has been riding the trails since she was 16 years old.

“I was lucky to be here in those days,” Bartlett said, remembering her rides to the ocean and as far as Fairbanks Ranch when there was not yet any development. “It was a wonderful experience then, to go wherever you wanted whenever you wanted. The only unspoken rule was, if you broke a sprinkler head you were asked to notify the property owner or fix it yourself.”

The task isn’t an easy one, and it will take quite a bit of time to complete. The entire system has been reported to be anywhere from 35 to 55 miles long. “I care passionately about the trails, so I understood that this was a very large project, but I am happy to do it,” Bartlett said. “It’s wonderful to work with Barbara because she is willing to put in the time that the project needs.”

Since January, the pair have been meeting at the Rancho Santa Fe Association’s office to look over the trail maps. They’re also discussing potential upgrades and further encroachment permits.

The two have also had the chance to hit the trails with their horses. Kruer says a wide variety of horseback riders take advantage of the extensive trail, from casual riders to the more experienced.

Kruer said the trails and recreation committee is always looking for volunteers. Those interested can call 858.877.0433.

The trails and recreation committee is also hosting a trail ride and luncheon at the Rancho Riding Club at 10 a.m. April 25. Call to RSVP for the ride.

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