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Rancho Santa Fe to support Mitchell Thorp Fund


In Rancho Santa Fe it isn’t unusual to see a different charity event each weekend all summer. Supporting everything from to medical relief efforts in third world countries the community of Rancho Santa Fe truly believes in charitable work.

In the spirit of these efforts, the community will be hosting “The Pillars of Hope Under the Tuscan Sun Charity Fashion Show” on Saturday, September 6th. Kicking off at 5:30pm at Cielo Village, this charitable night will include a cavalcade of activities. Starting with the fashion show, the event will also feature Tuscan cuisine, adult beverages, health and beauty vendors, a silent and live auction, and dancing for the duration of the evening.

Proceeds from the event go to support the Mitchell Thorp Fund, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. It is the mission of the Mitchell Thorp Fund to “support families whose children suffer from life-threatening illnesses, diseases and disorders. MTF ‘cares for the caregiver’ by providing financial, emotional and resource support to those in need.” Established in honor Mitchell Thorp, who passed away after a 5 year battle against an undiagnosed illness, the fund believes that “While we cannot cure a child, we can help the families endure, and soften their heartbreaking journey; thereby restoring a sense of normalcy in the home environment.”

Tickets for the “Pillars of Hope Event” can be purchased at a discount prior to August 15th.

For more on the Mitchell Thorp Foundation, you can visit them online at

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