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2014: The Latest Trends in Luxury Real Estate

In the search for a new home, there are always a few essential things to consider: How long will I be living here? What do I want my home to look like? What kind of community do I want to be a part of? These are questions that every future homeowner must ask themselves before making the big decision.

Luxury homeowners may face some additional challenges. Those who invest in million-dollar homes often possess the resources to mold the perfect living spaces for themselves. So, they might consider another question: how do I tailor my home to my lifestyle, my hobbies, and my individual needs and tastes?

The answer to this type of question is often found in home trends, where luxury homeowners have the opportunity to truly customize their homes with the newest technologies and innovations.

Looking to spice up your own luxury home? Here are 5 luxury real estate trends to look out for:

  1. Separate homes for entertaining.
  2. Prima Cinema Technology Allows for the Ultimate Home Theater Experience

    A growing number of high-end suburban and rural homeowners are building stand-alone homes for entertaining. These homes have indoor pools, full-sized kitchens, media rooms, and even basketball courts.

    Home theaters are a classic option. New innovations such as the Prima Cinema may add the perfect touch of extravagance. Prima Cinema brings first-run movies into the home the day they’re released in theaters!

    “People find it appealing to be able to entertain outside the home but within the building,” says Brian K. Lewis, a broker for Halstead Property in Manhattan. Today, many homeowners are indeed focused on creating inviting entertainment areas – where family and friends are always welcome.

  3. Hi-tech bathrooms.
  4. Smart Technology Used to Design Hi-Tech Bathrooms

    The development of smart technology has made it possible to heat floors and towel warmers on cue. Smart glass turns clear shower stalls opaque when someone steps in.

    And if that isn’t fancy enough for you, a bathroom mirror invented by Seura is able to transform into an LCD television at the press of a button.

    No longer just a utilitarian space, today’s bathroom can be a place of luxury and convenience.

  5. Smarthomes.
  6. Digital Technology in Smart Homes

    With today’s technology, luxury homeowners can control and oversee their homes even while they’re away. Devices allow homeowners to lock and unlock gates, windows and doors, as well as monitor encrypted security cameras online.

  7. Going green.
  8. Solar Panel Homes Increasing in Popularity

    The last few years have seen a real push in green technology. Kitchen spaces have seen more energy efficient appliances, and touchless faucets have significantly cut down on water usage. Low-flow toilets and water-saving shower-heads are in high demand for the same reason.

    Many homes have also taken advantage of solar energy, which has allowed consumers to save money, increase home value, and decrease their carbon footprint.

  9. Outdoor kitchens.
  10. Outdoor Kitchens Become the Perfect Space to Host Parties and Dinners

  11. Quartz
  12. Factory-Made Quartz Countertops

    Factory-engineered quartz is the new granite. The material, while similar in appearance to classic granite, is more durable, less likely to crack, and nonporous, making it easier to clean and harder to stain. If you’re looking to add value to your luxury real estate, quartz is the way to go!

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